Holiday makers are not the only ones to return to Tonga’s shores on a regular basis. After a long journey north from the icy krill-laden depths of Antarctica, southern humpback whales take shelter in the tropical reef-protected waters of Tonga to give birth to their young. The arrival of the whales from July to October completes a remarkable cycle, as the new calves return to where they were conceived 11 months earlier. The high number of whales visiting Tongan waters at this time of year means there are plenty of opportunities to see and swim with them. Tonga is one of the few places in the world where you can still swim with the whales. As most of the whales are mothers with calves, our operators take great care not to intrude too heavily on these wild animals. Please Note: When booking your whale watching and or swimming tours to use only Licensed Whale Operators here enlisted. As they have sustainable practices, fully trained tour guides and correct equipment.