Welcome to the spectacular islands of Vava’u in the Kingdom of Tonga. Each year our islands are visited by magnificent Humpback whales that arrive in July to give birth and wean their young. Come aboard our fast modern vessel and witness these goliaths as they attend their new born calves and perform spectacular breaching and tail slapping displays. Tongan law allows our clients to actually enter the water and observe these giants at close range. Our trained guides will ensure you experience the best interaction with the whales of Vava’u. Complete your charter by snorkelling over the reef observing the many colourful tropical fish that inhabit the coral.
We operate a high speed power catamaran type vessel for whale watch and whale swimming operations. Our vessel is very stable and capable of travelling in rough conditions if necessary. Constructed to United States Coast Guard specifications and powered by two 250hp Yamaha outboards ensures that you get to the whale grounds fast and safe. State of the art electronics enable us to navigate through the maze of islands and reefs of Vava’u.
Swimming with giant whales just doesn’t happen by accident. These are wild creatures in their natural environment, its not a zoo! Maximise your chances by chartering our fast stable vessel, once on the grounds our crew will locate and approach these beautiful animals. If conditions are suitable and the whales receptive our Tongan guides will escort you in the water to the best vantage point to observe these huge creatures. Tongan law requires that our guides escort a maximum of 4 swimming guests at any one time